The Peter S. Ogden school community will strive to create a caring learning environment which encourages cooperation, teaches responsible thinking, promotes respect and fosters positive self-esteem. We will work to help each student achieve the skills and strategies necessary to function as a successful and positive contributing member of our ever-changing world.

  • PSO is the farthest southeast school in Vancouver Public Schools. Our boundaries are at the edge of Evergreen and Portland public schools.
  • We have just over 520 students in our school. Class sizes start at 18 students in the lower grades up to 27 students in the upper grades.
  • We are extremely proud of our student diversity. Our demographics are 40 percent white, 40 percent Hispanic, 7 percent Asian/Pacific Islander, 3 percent black, 1 percent American Indian and 10 percent other/multiracial.
  • More than 40 percent of our students speak a second language! Our students speak Arabic, Bosnian, Cambodian, Chuukese, Amharic, Hindi, Rumanian, Hmong, Kosraean, Lao, Malayalam, Marshallese, Rumanian, Russian, Soninke, Spanish, Ukrainian and Vietnamese.
  • We are a Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) school. We teach our school expectations throughout the building: Be Safe. Be Respectful. Be Responsible.
  • We support all students through Response to Intervention (RtI). All grade levels have “Walk to Learn” for one hour and receive instruction at their level. Students just below grade level are served in Tier II classroom interventions. Students significantly below grade level are served in Tier III interventions with specialists.

Welcome to Peter S. Ogden. We are pleased to have you as part of our family!


Matt Kauffman
Principal, Peter S. Ogden Elementary